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Allyship and Advocacy

Course number : PROF-9213   ID : 8396    Section Number : CC001
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This interactive professional learning experience will equip college employees with the knowledge and skills to become effective allies and advocates in the workplace and academic spaces. Participants will learn to identify bias, how to respond to it, and how to build a culture of respect and inclusion.

Class Details

2 Session(s)
Days of the Week :Multiple Days of the Week :
  Weekly - Wed.  
  Weekly - Tue.  

Location : CTR-N Location : 

Instructor : Tiffany Goliday 

CEUs : 0.8



Please read:  Light refreshments/snacks provided. Space is limited. Questions:



Registration Closes On
Wednesday, April 16, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
4/9/2025 - 4/9/2025 Weekly - Wed 08:30 AM - 12:30 PM Clinton Township, CTR-N  Map, Room: 104 Tiffany Goliday  Lecture
4/15/2025 - 4/15/2025 Weekly - Tue 08:30 AM - 12:30 PM Clinton Township, CTR-N  Map, Room: 104 Tiffany Goliday  Lecture