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Basic Rider Course (BRC) – Web Enhanced ePackage 1

Course number : CYCL-8016B   ID : 9374    Section Number : CC001
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Prerequisites include the ability to ride a bicycle and a valid email address on file with the College. This course is designed for someone who has little or no experience operating a motorcycle, and it focuses on the development of basic riding skills: clutch and throttle coordination, straight-line riding, braking, turning, and shifting. Training motorcycles are provided. Privately owned motorcycles are NOT permitted. Students must complete the MSF ePackage 1 eCourse (online component) and bring the certificate of completion to the first in-person session. The link to the eCourse will be distributed by the College via email at least one week prior to the start date of your class. If you have not received an email by this time, you must contact The course also provides a fast track to motorcycle endorsement (CY); successful completion results in a certificate that waives the written knowledge test and riding-skill test, which would otherwise be administered by the Secretary of State and a third-party testing agency, respectively. Instruction consists of approximately 17 total hours – 5 hours of online preparation to be completed prior to your class start date and 12 hours of hands-on training, activities, and evaluation. Weekend students need to be available, but not necessarily on-site, for all of Saturday and Sunday. Students are placed into groups during the intake session on Friday; those in Group A will ride in the morning on Saturday and Sunday, and those in Group B will ride in the afternoon on Saturday and Sunday. Please reserve any requests for your instructor on Friday, and keep in mind that we cannot guarantee placement into either specified group.

Class Details

3 Session(s)
Days of the Week :Multiple Days of the Week :
  Weekly - Fri.  
  Weekly - Sat, Sun.  

Location : CTR-C Location : 

Instructor : Robert Feyers 

CEUs : 1.7



Please read:  The $50 course fee is NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE. Students must provide their own safety gear and supplies; please reference our Information and FAQs Students must be available and on time for each scheduled session or admission may be denied. Students must have a valid email address on file with Macomb Community College.



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
3/21/2025 - 3/21/2025 Weekly - Fri 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM Clinton Township, CTR-C  Map, Room: 101 Robert Feyers  Lecture
3/22/2025 - 3/23/2025 Weekly - Sun, Sat 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM Clinton Township, CTR-C  Map, Room: 101 Robert Feyers  Lecture

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