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Parts 35, 90, 490-Permit Required Confined Spaces

Course number : MSHA-8065   ID : 7529    Section Number : EC001
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This course will provide an overview of both the construction and general industry rules related to confined space and permit-required confined spaces. Examples of actual spaces will be used to clarify the definition and facilitate proper identification of confined space versus permit-required confined spaces. The three means of entering a permit-required confined space are described in Part 35, 90, and 490. These will be discussed along with their correct implementation. This course also includes an introduction to the principles of air monitoring and ventilation of confined and permit-required confined spaces.

Class Details

1 Session(s)
Weekly - Tue


TBD Instructor 

CEUs : 0.6



Registration Closes On
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 @ 5:00 PM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
3/25/2025 - 3/25/2025 Weekly - Tue 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM Clinton Township, ESTC  Map, Room: 109 TBD Instructor  Lecture